MINT Group

The Middlebury Ice Numerical modelling Team (MINT) includes student research assistants and Middlebury seniors working on research theses – plus some Friends of MINT at other institutions. Join us!

Current MINT members

Finn Wimberly (Physics ‘24) has worked as a MINT research assistant since Fall 2022. He analyzes glacial runoff output from different global glacier models to determine how the unique features of each glacier model affect 21st-century projections across scales, from single glacier retreat to large Alpine river basins runoff. Finn’s work involves processing large datasets in Python. Thanks to a remote connection to the lab computer, he can do this work from anywhere! When he is not coding, Finn is an avid outdoorsman.

Aiden Pape (Computer Science ‘25) joined MINT as a research assistant for Spring 2024. Aiden is developing and documenting open-source software for multi-variate statistical analysis of glaciological observations.

Rohan Acharya (Computer Science ‘27) joined MINT as a research intern for Spring 2024. He assists Aiden in troubleshooting code and ensuring results are broadly interpretable.

Past MINT members

Evelyn Sorensen (Earth & Climate ‘25) was a MINT research assistant for Summer 2023. She worked on glacier model development, testing a new method for simulating iceberg calving in the Ice sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM). Evelyn passed away in September 2023. MINT mourns the loss of our brilliant, cherished group member.

Molly Arndt (Earth & Climate ‘23) completed a B.Sc. thesis on climate-model-derived uncertainties in future glacial water resources at city scale. She simulated glacial runoff to La Paz, Bolivia, through the end of the 21st century using the Open Global Glacier Model forced by 10 global climate models. You can read her thesis via her Zenodo archive. Molly is a hydrologist with the US National Parks Service through its Scientists in Parks program.

Mikayla Pascual (Earth & Climate ‘22) completed a B.Sc. thesis on the role of sediment dynamics in modulating ice sheet advance and retreat. In her own words:

I grew up in Los Angeles, and I never thought much about glaciers or ice sheets, but I was curious about how anthropogenic effects change the Earth. Science solutions to combat climate change were fascinating to me and fueled my passion for learning. When I took an oceanography class during my undergrad at Middlebury, I learned that geological tools could help solve my scientific pursuits. I was introduced to glaciology through an NSF REU experience with the Georgia Tech Ice & Climate group. There I learned about the beauty of glaciers and how earth system models are used to understand the changing ice sheets. This work transformed into my senior thesis where I was advised by Dr. Lizz Ultee. I am currently a PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin with affiliations at the Jackson School of Geosciences and Institute for Geophysics. I am co-advised by Drs. Ginny Catania and Benjamin Keisling, and together we work on understanding glacial sedimentation at outlet glaciers in Greenland through a coupled ice-sediment model. I am also interested in how seasonal glacier dynamics impact model projections.

SG Solomon (Earth & Climate ‘24) was a research assistant during the Fall 2022 and Winter 2023 terms. SG compiled output from the Python Glacier Evolution Model (PyGEM) to make presentation-quality figures describing future glacial runoff under various climate scenarios.

Jiaqi Li (Earth & Climate and Computer Science ‘22) conducted a semester of independent research using the Open Global Glacier Model to simulate future changes to Olivares Alfa Glacier, Chile. Jiaqi is now a software engineer.

Siena Caddle (Film ‘22) conducted two semesters of independent research, analysing projections of Greenland Ice Sheet outlet glacier retreat generated by Prof. Ultee’s model, SERMeQ.

Friends of MINT

We collaborate actively with groups at several institutions worldwide, both through funded projects and through mutual interest. Do you think you should be listed as a Friend of MINT? You’re probably right - we love friends. Drop us a line!